When it comes to college planning, it may seem like there are a million things to think about, but don't worry. Whether you're a student or parent, the following college planning timelines will keep you on track and in the know throughout high College. Helpful, step-by-step tips cover everything from taking the right classes, making a list of colleges, to filling out college forms and applications on time! But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give and expound the actual teachings the master-builder of human happiness.
College Documents & informations
1 Bhawan suraksha
2 Documents
3 Land Deed
4 Mutation Order
5 Room Magerments
6 Library Books Statement
Registration,Order& NOC.
1 Affiliation Form 2024-25 and Order 2023-24
2 Rajasthan Government NOC 2024-25
3 Ncte NOC
4 Registration
5 Web DCF 2022-2023
6 PAR 2021
7 Affiliation 2024-2025
8 PAR 2022
9 PAR 2023
STUDENTS (2023-24)
B.Ed. Part -I
B.Ed. Part- II